Entering timesheets in the browser

If this field is blank, then the Timesheet ending date you enter must be later than the Beginning Balance Date on > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab.

Learning Resource: Time Entry Functional Guide

Learning Resource: Timesheet Assist video

Before you begin

To enter a timesheet in the browser

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Timesheets.
  2. On the My Time tab, click New.
  3. In the Timesheet ending date field, select an end date for the timesheet.

You can click on the field to select from a calendar. The end date your company has chosen for timesheet dates are available on the calendar.

  1. Select the Include recent projects check box to include projects you have selected in the project list within the last two weeks of the timesheet.
  2. Select the Include scheduled projects check box to include projects where you had scheduled time in Schedule Manager during the same week as the timesheet week.
  3. Use the Activity field to select an activity when the Include scheduled projects is selected. This field is required when Include scheduled projects is selected.
  1. To copy a previous timesheet, select the Copy timesheet from... check box and select a timesheet to copy.

This will copy project information entered on the selected timesheet to the new timesheet.

  1. Click Done.
  2. Enter your time as follows,
To enter Do this

Overhead or nonproject time

  1. In the table in the top of the window, type the hours in the cell that correspond to the type of overhead and day of the week for the time you want to enter.
  2. To break down regular and overhead time, click the to open the Hours Detail window.
  3. If notes are required on the timesheet, in the cell click the to open the Hours Detail window and enter any notes. If you leave the Notes field without entering notes, a window appears reminding you that notes are required if your project entered is set up to require notes.
Alabama State Only: Select Exclude to exclude the overtime hours from the ALSWH tax calculation.

Direct or project time

  1. In the table at the bottom of the window, enter a project, phase, and then activity.

Multi-company only. If you enter time to a project that your company is not responsible for, Ajera creates intercompany entries. Be sure to reconcile your intercompany accounts regularly.

  1. Type the hours you worked on the project/phase/activity for each day of the week.
  2. Optional: Enter Employee Type. To add Employee Type to the timesheet, add the optional column.
  3. If notes are required on the timesheet, in the cell click the to open the Hours Detail window and enter any notes. If you leave the Notes field without entering notes, a window appears reminding you that notes are required if your project entered is set up to require notes.
  4. Repeat these steps for each project/phase/activity you need to enter time for.
  1. If you worked overtime or other premium time:
  1. In the Timesheet Overhead Group Detail table, select the applicable cell and click the to open the Hours Detail window.
  2. Enter the number of hours worked for overtime or premium time in the Hours field.
  3. In the same window, change the regular hours, if needed, so the total number of hours you worked for that project/phase/activity on that day is correct.
  1. If notes are required on the timesheet, enter them into the Notes field. If you leave the Notes field without entering notes, a window appears reminding you that notes are required if your project entered is set up to require notes.
  2. Click Done to close the Hours Detail window.
  1. To add a note for hours you worked:
  • Select the applicable cell and click the to open the Hours Detail window.
  • In the Hours Detail window, enter notes.

A note symbol appears in the cell to indicate that notes are attached. 

  1. To enter other details, such as Start Time, End Time, or whether or not the time has been approved, click the to open the Hours Detail window and expand Other Details.
  2. If you enter hours in a cell by mistake,
  • Click in the cell and delete the entered hours.
  • To only delete regular hours OR overtime/premium hours, click the to open the Hours Detail window and delete the hours from the correct Hours field.
  1. Click in the top bar to save the timesheet.
  2. If finished entering time, submit the timesheet.