Entering timesheets in the browser
If this field is blank, then the Timesheet ending date you enter must be later than the Beginning Balance Date on > Setup > Company > Preferences > General tab.
Learning Resource: Time Entry Functional Guide
Learning Resource: Timesheet Assist video
Before you begin
To enter a timesheet in the browser
- From the
> Manage menu, click Timesheets.
- On the My Time tab, click New.
- In the Timesheet ending date field, select an end date for the timesheet.
You can click on the field to select from a calendar. The end date your company has chosen for timesheet dates are available on the calendar.
- Select the Include recent projects check box to include projects you have selected in the project list within the last two weeks of the timesheet.
- Select the Include scheduled projects check box to include projects where you had scheduled time in Schedule Manager during the same week as the timesheet week.
- Use the Activity field to select an activity when the Include scheduled projects is selected. This field is required when Include scheduled projects is selected.
- To copy a previous timesheet, select the Copy timesheet from... check box and select a timesheet to copy.
This will copy project information entered on the selected timesheet to the new timesheet.
- Click Done.
- Enter your time as follows,
To enter | Do this | ||
Overhead or nonproject time |
Direct or project time |
Multi-company only. If you enter time to a project that your company is not responsible for, Ajera creates intercompany entries. Be sure to reconcile your intercompany accounts regularly.
- In the Timesheet Overhead Group Detail table, select
the applicable cell and click the
to open the Hours Detail window.
- Enter the number of hours worked for overtime or premium time in the Hours field.
- In the same window, change the regular hours, if needed, so the total number of hours you worked for that project/phase/activity on that day is correct.
- If notes are required on the timesheet, enter them into the Notes field. If you leave the Notes field without entering notes, a window appears reminding you that notes are required if your project entered is set up to require notes.
- Click Done to close the Hours Detail window.
- To add a note for hours you worked:
- Select
the applicable cell and click the
to open the Hours Detail window.
- In the Hours Detail window, enter notes.
A note symbol
appears in the cell to indicate
that notes are attached.
- To enter other details, such as Start Time, End Time, or whether or not the time has been approved, click the
to open the Hours Detail window and expand Other Details.
- If you enter hours in a cell by mistake,
- Click in the cell and delete the entered hours.
- To only delete regular hours OR overtime/premium hours, click the
to open the Hours Detail window and delete the hours from the correct Hours field.
- Click
in the top bar to save the timesheet.
- If finished entering time, submit the timesheet.