Entering or editing a journal entry for a prior date

Based on your security settings, you can create a new journal entry for the previous fiscal year without changing the Don't allow entries prior to date. For example, you receive year-end adjustments from your accountant in March that you need to enter for a previous fiscal year.

To enter a journal entry for a prior date

  1. Click > Manage > Journal Entries or go to the Journal Entry task widget.
  1. In the Accounting Date field, enter the date for the journal entry you want to add.
  2. Enter the journal entry as you would for any other journal entry.

To edit a journal entry for a prior date

  1. Click > Manage > Journal Entries or go to the Journal Entry task widget.
  2. Select the journal entry you want to edit.
  3. Make any changes.
  4. Click to save.

A message pops up asking you to select an accounting date

  1. Select the original accounting date or enter another date.
  2. Click OK.