You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > Schedule Manager > Reviewing your schedule

Reviewing your schedule

unavailable in ajeraCore

You can keep up-to-date on your work schedule in Schedule Manager. Only time entered in past weeks or scheduled in current and future weeks appears.

Depending on your security settings, you may view your schedule, or view and change your schedule.

To review your schedule

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Schedule.
  1. Click the Employees tab, and scroll to the right to view your hours:

    In Schedule Manager, this Contains this
    Shaded cells Timesheet hours entered to the project in past weeks
    Columns with green headings

    Actual and scheduled hours for current week

    As actual hours are entered to the project, Ajera updates the scheduled hours in the column to the left.

    Columns to the right of the columns with green headings Scheduled hours for future weeks
  1. If you have permission, change your current or future hours as needed. Otherwise, contact someone who has permission to edit your schedule.
  2. Click Close.



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