You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > Schedule Manager > Adding employees to a project

Adding employees to a project

unavailable in ajeraCore

If you did not add employees to a project in the Project Command Center, you can add them in Schedule Manager. Any employees you add in Schedule Manager automatically appear as labor resources on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center.



You may want to enter budgeted hours or dollars for the employees in the Project Command Center so you can schedule against the budgets in Schedule Manager.

To add employees to a project

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Schedule.
  2. Click (plus sign) to expand the project you want.
  3. If an employee is not assigned to a project and enters time to it, Ajera highlights that unassigned employee in red.
  • If that employee is in the correct phase and with the appropriate employee type, click (red icon) to add that person to the project.
  • If that employee is in the wrong phase, click (blue icon) to open the Team Builder window.


To add other employees to the project in Schedule Manager, click to open the Team Builder window.

  1. In the ID & Description table on the left, click the phase where you want to add the employee.

The (gray icon) indicates that labor resources are assigned to that phase on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center.

  1. In the resource table on the right, click an empty row and do the following:
Field Description

Employee Type

Click (more button) and select the employee type.


Click (more button) and select the employee.

Note: If you select an employee but no employee type, Ajera automatically enters the employee type from the employee setup.


Displays the budgeted hours for the resource, for reference only. If needed, you can change the budgeted hours on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center.

* (asterisk)

Indicates that you cannot delete the labor resource from the Team Builder window because it has a budget, percent distribution, task, notes, or start or end dates assigned to it on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center.

  1. Repeat Steps 4-5 for each employee you want to add to the project.
  1. To change the employee order in a phase, select an employee and click or . This also changes the order on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center.
  2. Click Close.



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