Projects Snapshot Tab
Use this tab to view uploaded project snapshots, and to assign benchmark attributes to snapshots. There is one snapshot per period.
Each row in the grid represents an uploaded or missing schedule snapshot for the selected project. A missing snapshot is a project submittal that was not uploaded in the Submittals view by the Window Close Date.
For a description of the fields and menus above the tabs, see Projects Common Fields.
Project Snapshots
By default, the Snapshots grid is sorted by Window Close Date with the most recent on top.
: Click Refresh to refresh the data in the grid.
: Click Show Chart to generate a report that displays the snapshot progress. See Snapshots Chart for more information.
: Click Maximize / Minimize to hide the Navigation pane so that more of the grid is visible. When you click the icon again, the grid returns to the original size and the Navigation pane displays again.
: Click Filter in the grid header to filter the grid results. The grid updates to display the records that fit the criteria that you enter. A filter icon
displays to the left of the column name to indicate that you are filtering by a value in that column. To hide the filter fields, click Filter
again. To remove the filter criteria, delete the text from the filter field. The filter remains in effect as long as you are in that view. However, if you leave the view and then return, the filter is no longer in effect.
: Click Export to download all data in the grid to a .csv file.
: Click Grid Settings to add or remove columns from the view or to rearrange the order of the columns. Click on a column to sort by that column or to change from ascending to descending and vice versa.
Field | Description |
<Benchmark Attributes> |
Benchmark attributes are used in benchmark reporting and are qualitative measures of success for the project. Click
Grid Settings
If you have write access to the project, you can click in a benchmark attribute column to select an attribute value. |
Current Activity Count |
This is the total number of activities in the project, based on data from the latest snapshot and is calculated by counting activities of all tasks that are not summaries. This field is blank until at least one snapshot is uploaded. |
Baseline Finish | This is the project planned finish date or the latest activity baseline finish date if the project does not have a baseline finish date. |
Baseline Start | This is the project planned start date or the earliest activity baseline start date if the project does not have a baseline start date. |
Finish | This is the project actual finish date or the latest activity finish date if the project does not have a finish date. |
Last Updated | This is the date that the project was last changed. This takes into account any snapshot uploads and changes to benchmark attributes. When a new project is created, this column is blank until a snapshot is uploaded or a change is made to the benchmark attributes. |
Project % Complete |
This is the amount, in percent, that the project is complete. For a missing snapshot, this column is blank. |
Schedule |
For an uploaded snapshot, this is the name of the file that was uploaded by the submitter. Click the file name to save the file to your local drive. If the row you are looking at is for a missing schedule, this column is blank. For a missing snapshot, this column is blank. |
Score |
This is the score that Touchstone gave the uploaded schedule based on the acceptance criteria metrics. You can see the name of the acceptance criteria template that was used for the scoring on the Projects Configuration tab. If the status is Accepted or Rejected, the score displays as a hyperlink with a pass/fail symbol next to it. Click the score to download the report. If the status is Missing, the score is blank. |
Start | This is the project actual start date or the earliest activity start date if the project does not have a start date. |
Status |
This is the condition of the schedule:
You can see the name of the acceptance criteria template that was used for the scoring on the Projects Configuration tab. |
Submitter |
For an uploaded snapshot, this is the name of the person who uploaded the schedule snapshot and is from the user information in EPM Security Administrator (EPM SA). For a missing snapshot, this is the name of the user who was logged in when Touchstone added the missing snapshot to the grid after the user selected the Add Missing Snapshots option in the Other Actions menu. |
Submitter Email |
This is the email address for the person who uploaded the schedule snapshot and is from the user information in EPM Security Administrator (EPM SA). The emails that are sent from Touchstone use the settings on the Configuration tab in To send an email to the submitter, click on the link in this column to display a new email message window. The Subject line is automatically populated with the project name, project status, window close date, and number of days until the close date (if applicable). When you click Send, the upload report is automatically attached to the email. If more or one submitters do not have an email address, Touchstone displays the Missing Email Addresses message box (for multiple submitters) or the Email Address Missing message box (for a single submitter) in these scenarios.
Submitter Phone | This is the phone number for the person who uploaded the schedule snapshot and is from the user information in EPM Security Administrator (EPM SA). |
Time Now |
This is the Time Now date from the latest snapshot. Time Now is called Data Date in P6 and Status Date in Microsoft Project. |
Uploaded |
Prior to the Window Close Date, the submitter may upload their schedule as many times as they wish. Each time they upload, the previous upload is overwritten. This is the date that the snapshot was last uploaded. For a missing snapshot, this column displays the date that you clicked and the missing snapshot was added to the grid. |
Window Close Date |
This is the date by which you must have your schedule uploaded. That is, you have until 11:59pm the day before this date to upload your schedule. Use the Projects Configuration tab to specify how often you want schedules for each project to be uploaded and the length of each reporting period. The Window Close Date is calculated by adding the number of days listed in the Upload Window field (Projects Configuration tab) to the Reporting Period (Projects Configuration tab). |
- Related Topics:
- Snapshots Chart
Use this chart to view snapshot progress and as an aid to determine whether or not the quality of submittals is improving over time.