Grant Users Access to Projects

Use these steps to grant users access to set up or view projects.

Only users and groups that have been set up in EPM Security Administrator and assigned to a named license display in the drop-down fields on this tab. You must be the owner or a member of the SYSADMIN group to edit these fields.

When a user is granted access to a project, they can see the selected project but they cannot automatically see the program to which it is associated. If you want them to have access to the associated program, you must add them to the program Access Control tab.

To grant users access to projects:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Hubs, click Projects.
  2. On the Access Control tab, click +Add Row at the bottom of the grid.
  3. Use the drop-down lists to select a user or a group. You cannot select both in the same line.
  4. (Optional) Select a Role from the drop-down list.
  5. Place a check in the Read Only check box if you only want to grant the user or group read-only access.