Create a New Project (Programs Hub Projects Tab)

You can create a new project using the Programs hub Projects tab.

Note: Creating a project on this tab also adds it to the Projects hub. You can also create a new project using the Projects hub.

To create a new project using the Programs hub Projects tab:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Hubs, click Programs.
  2. If you are in the List view, click Switch to Detail View in the top right corner of the view.
  3. On the Projects tab, at the bottom of the grid, click + Associate Project.
    A new row is added to the Projects grid.
  4. In the Project Name column, click the down arrow next to Select an existing project.
  5. At the bottom of the list, click + Add New Project.
    A blank Project screen displays.
  6. Enter a project name and other relevant details on each tab.

    The Program field on the Overview tab displays the currently selected program name and is read-only.

    Note: The Acceptance Criteria Template field on the Configuration tab is mandatory.
  7. Click Save.
    The project is added to the Programs hub Projects tab grid and the Projects hub.