Create a New Program (Programs Hub)

A program contains one or more projects and is used to standardize benchmark attributes across all associated projects. This allows you to maintain the same standard across many projects and to evaluate multiple projects based on the same benchmarks.

To create a new program:

  1. In the Navigation pane, in Hubs, click Programs.
  2. In the top right corner of the view, click New Program.
  3. On the Overview tab:
    • Enter a Program Name as well as any other needed information in the top section of the form.
    • Enter information into the Budgets Negotiated Cost and Contingency fields as needed. These are for information purposes only and are not used in any calculations.
    • Associate benchmark attributes as needed.

    The date fields will initially be blank. When you associate projects, the system populates these fields based on information in the associated projects. In addition, the Current Projected Cost field will not have a value until you associate a project and upload a snapshot.

  4. Click Save.