
A program is associated with one or more projects and is used to standardize benchmark attributes across all associated projects. This allows you to maintain the same standard across many projects and to evaluate multiple projects based on the same benchmarks.

For example, you might have a program called "Building Construction" and the associated projects might be "Foundation and Framing," "Electrical wiring," and "Interior Decorating." You can set a Customer Satisfaction attribute at the program level (Building Construction) that applies to all associated projects (Foundation and Framing, Electrical Wiring, Interior Decorating).

After schedule snapshots are uploaded and accepted, you can select a Customer Satisfaction value (for example, happy, unhappy) for each snapshot. Touchstone calculates the average value which you can see on the Programs Overview tab in the Benchmark Attributes grid. This gives you a good idea of how Customer Satisfaction is doing across all related projects.

Programs Common Fields

For a description of the fields and menus above the tabs, see Programs Common Fields.