Acceptance Criteria List View

Use this view to see a list of the acceptance criteria templates. You can also add, delete, or edit templates from this view.

The columns in the List view are the same fields that display on the Detail view tabs. Click Grid Settings to add or remove columns from the view. For column descriptions, see the Acceptance Criteria Detail view tab help topics.

Acceptance Criteria Templates Grid

Field Description
Click the check box on the left side of a line to select it. For example, you may want to select one or more lines and click Other Actions > Export Selected Rows. Click the check box on the left side of the first column header to select or deselect all records.
Field Description
When you hover over a line in the grid, the Options icon displays on the right side of the line. Click on it to Copy or Delete the selected line.
When you hover over a line in the grid, the Show in Detail View icon displays on the left side of the line. Click on it to display the selected line in Detail view where you can see the metrics and minimum acceptance score in the selected template.