Acceptance Criteria Common Fields

This help topic describes the fields at the top of the Acceptance Criteria view.

Field Description
Find Acceptance Criteria Use this field at the top of the view to search for the acceptance criteria template that you want to review or edit.
(Detail view only) Use the arrows to scroll through the acceptance criteria templates. The numbers show you which template you are viewing out of the total number of templates in the search results.
<x records> (List view only) This lists the total number of records that are in this view.
+ New Acceptance Criteria Click to create a new acceptance criteria template. A blank template displays in Detail view edit mode.
or Toggle between the List view () and Detail view () by clicking the relevant icon in the top right area of the page.
Edit When you click this button in the List view, the selected template displays in the Detail view edit mode. When you click this button in the Detail view, the fields change to edit mode.
Other Actions
  • Create Copy: (Detail view only) Click to create a copy of the current template. A copy of the template displays in Detail view edit mode. You can edit the fields and save the new template. This is useful if you want to use an existing template as the basis for a new template.
  • Export All: (List view only) Click to download all templates to a .csv file.
  • Delete: Click to delete the selected template(s). A message displays letting you know that this action will delete <template>.
  • New: Click to add a new acceptance criteria template. A blank template displays in Detail view edit mode.
(List view only) Click Filter in the grid header to filter the grid results. The grid updates to display the templates that fit the criteria that you enter. A filter icon displays to the left of the column name to indicate that you are filtering by a value in that column. To hide the filter fields, click Filter again. To remove the filter criteria, delete the text from the filter field. The filter remains in effect as long as you are in that view. However, if you leave the view and return, the filter is no longer in effect.
Click Grid Settings in the grid header to display the Select Columns dialog box where you can add, remove, or reorder columns in the grid. In the dialog box, enter a character or word in either of the filter boxes at the top of the Available Columns and Selected Columns areas to filter the lists. A filter icon displays next to the heading when a filter is applied. Delete the text from the filter field to remove the filter criteria.