Opportunity User-Defined Elements

This section provides information on user-defined elements related to opportunities.

Label Internal Label Type Notes
Proposal Job CustDivider1 Divider Line
Proposal Job Template CustProposalJobTemplate Proposal Template (UDH)
Create Proposal Job CustCreateProposalJob Check box
Proposal Job Number CustProposalJobNumber Character Locked for all roles
Proposal Job Name CustProposalJobName Character Locked for all roles
Proposal Job Status CustProposalJobStatus Dropdown Change Codes to

0 (Open)

1 (Closed)

Locked for all roles

Fee Job CustDivider2 Divider Line
Fee Job Template CustFeeJobTemplate Fee Template (UDH)
Create Fee Job CustCreateFeeJob Check box
Fee Job Number CustFeeJobNumber Character Locked for all roles
Fee Job Name CustFeeJobName Character Locked for all roles
Fee Job Phase CustFeeJobPhase Dropdown Change Codes to

0 (Quote)

1 (Order)

Locked for all roles

Fee Job Status CustFeeJobStatus Dropdown Change Codes to

0 (Open)

1 (Closed)

Locked for all roles

Fee Job State CustFeeJobState Character Locked for all roles
State Changed Date CustStateChangedDate Date Locked for all roles
Maconomy Dimensions CustDivider3 Divider Line
Location Dimension CustLocation Location (UDH)
Entity Dimension CustEntity Entity (UDH)
Project Dimension CustProject Project (UDH)
Purpose Dimension CustPurpose Purpose (UDH)
Specification 1 Dimension CustSpecification1 Specification 1 (UDH)
Specification 2 Dimension CustSpecification2 Specification 2 (UDH)
Specification 3 Dimension CustSpecification3 Specification 3 (UDH)
Specification 4 Dimension CustSpecification4 Specification 4 (UDH)
Specification 5 Dimension CustSpecification5 Specification 5 (UDH)
Specification 6 Dimension CustSpecification6 Specification 6 (UDH)
Specification 7 Dimension CustSpecification7 Specification 7 (UDH)
Specification 8 Dimension CustSpecification8 Specification 8 (UDH)
Specification 9 Dimension CustSpecification9 Specification 9 (UDH)
Specification 10 Dimension CustSpecification10 Specification 10 (UDH)
Fields to Support Workflow CustDivider4 Divider Line Hide this divider for all security roles—fields under it are used for workflow only.
Workflow Blocked Location CustWorkflowBlockedLocation Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Entity CustWorkflowBlockedEntity Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Project CustWorkflowBlockedProject Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Purpose CustWorkflowBlockedPurpose Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 1 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification1 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 2 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification2 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 3 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification3 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 4 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification4 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 5 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification5 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 6 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification6 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 7 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification7 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 8 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification8 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 9 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification9 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.
Workflow Blocked Specification 10 CustWorkflowBlockedSpecification10 Check box Hide this field for all security roles. This field is used for a workflow process.

The following Firm user-defined elements are found in Maconomy (CustTab_web1):

  • Maconomy Customer Information
  • Relationship Job
  • Maconomy Dimensions
