Approve or Reject Employee Information

Use these steps to review and approve or reject new/updated employee information submitted for your approval. You can also approve (and reject) employee records in the Approval Center workspace.

(Optional) Enter the prerequisites here. This should be relatively brief. If you need to write extensive prereq info, create a reference topic for it and combine the topics using a small ditamap. Be sure to keep the first sentence in the <p> element.

To approve/reject an employee record:

  1. Under the Human Resources menu section, go to the Employees workspace.
  2. Use the search filter and/or the Search field to select an employee record.
  3. To approve the employee record:
    1. Click Approve.
  4. To reject the employee record:
    1. Click Reject….
      Maconomy displays the Reject Line wizard.
    2. Enter a rejection reason. This is a required field.
    3. Click Reject.