Enable System Parameters

Use these steps to enable Talent Management integration.

To enable Talent Management integration and functionality with system parameters.

  1. Go to Setup > System Setup > Parameters and Numbers > System Parameters.
  2. Search for and enable the Use First > /Middle/Last > Name on > Employees and Contact > Persons and Use Both F > ormal and Preferred N > ames on Employees and Contact Persons parameters.
  3. Selecting these parameters enable the use of separate fields for employee and contact names.
  4. Search for and enable the Enable Deltek Talent Management Integration field.

    Selecting this parameter enables Talent Management in Workspace Client for the selected company.

  5. Search for and enable the Enable Deltek Talent Management Skills Integration field.

    Selecting this parameter enables Talent Management Skills Integration. However, you may opt to only enable the employee integration.

  6. Search for and enable the Block Employee Off-boarded in Deltek Talent Management field, if needed.

    If this parameter is selected and the user is off-boarded in Deltek Talent Management (such as if the user has left the company), then the linked employee is blocked in Maconomy.

  7. Search for and enable the Derive Template Employee on Creation field, if needed.
  8. When you enable this parameter, you can set up an employee template based on the company, or system information.