
Employees are created and maintained in Maconomy.

A scheduled task synchronizes the Employee table in Deltek CRM with Maconomy data.

During synchronization, the Terminated status is set for Employees with the Terminated Date earlier than the current date.

Deltek CRM Field Maconomy Field Notes
Employee Employee.EmployeeNumber Once Display leading zeroes is enabled, the employee number is appended with leading zeroes.
FirstName FirstName When the Use Formal Names on employees and contact persons system parameter is enabled and the Maconomy formal names are populated, the Vantagepoint Firstname, Middlename, and Lastname fields are also populated accordingly. In addition, the informal first name populates the Preferred First Name field in Vantagepoint.

If the formal names are not populated in Maconomy, then the informal names populate the Vantagepoint name fields.

MiddleName MiddleName
LastName LastName
Type N/A Always type E
Country Employee.Country Maps the country name on the Maconomy employee to the country ISO code.
Email Employee.ElectronicMailAddress
Phone Employee.Telephone
Status Employee.TerminationDate Status set to Terminated if the employee is terminated in Maconomy, and if the termination date ≥ current date in Maconomy.
Hire Date Employee.DateEmployed
Termination Date Employee.TerminationDate