Groups Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Groups tab.

Group Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you specify the group name, for example, “Order Registration” from the above example. You must enter a name.
Access with Expired Password If you mark this field, a user with access to the current group will be able to activate the workspaces in this group even if his password has expired. If you do not mark this field, a user with access to the current group will not be able to activate the workspaces in this group if his password has expired. In the group “Change Password,” this field is automatically marked by Maconomy.

Portal Island

This island and its fields only appear if the Portal has been installed. For further information, see the section “Groups and Portal Roles.”

Field Description
Role No. This field shows the number of the role assigned to the current group. For all roles created as a result of creating a group in this workspace, the role number corresponds to the group name. The number may vary from the group name if the role was assigned to the group in an upgrade from a previous version.
Role Name When creating a group, you can specify in this field the name of the Portal role to be automatically created and assigned to the group when the group is created. Once you press Return, the name can no longer be changed. Users assigned to the current group in the workspace Users are automatically also assigned to the Portal role assigned to the group.
Standard Component In this field, you can specify the ID of a standard component for the role assigned to the current group. The standard component is shown in the Portal immediately after logon unless another standard component has been specified for the user in question, in which case the user specific standard component is shown. If a given user is assigned to several roles, the standard component is chosen at random among these.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.