Event Contact Persons Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to associate contact persons with an event.

You can associate all contact persons with an event, regardless of whether or not they are associated with the same contact company as the event. When you enter a contact person for an event, Maconomy creates an entry in the list of associated contact persons and marks it as primary. You can only change the primary contact from the event, and not directly in the list.

If a contact person in the list is an internal contact (that is, the contact person is linked to an employee) Maconomy marks the entry as internal.

If a contact person exists for the employee for the event, Maconomy creates an entry in the list of contact persons and marks it as owner and internal. You can edit the owner only from within the event, and not from the list of associated contact persons. Likewise, you cannot delete the owner or primary contact for the event directly from the list. If you remove owners or primary contacts from an event, Maconomy automatically removes them from the list.