Contact Persons Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Contact Persons sub-tab.

Field Description
Contact Person Type This field shows whether it is an employee or a contact. Values are Employee and Contact.

A contact person is considered an employee if he/she is linked to an employee and the termination date on the employee is blank or after the starting date of the event. The type field is not updated if the contact person is changed.

Contact Person No. In this field, you can enter the number of the contact person. A given contact person can only be associated once with an event.
Name This field shows the name of the contact person.
Position This field shows the title of the contact person’s job at the company.
Phone This field shows the contact person’s phone number.
Mobile This field shows the contact person’s mobile number.
Email This field shows the contact person’s email address.
Primary This field shows whether the contact is the primary contact.
Owner This field shows whether an employee is the owner of the event.