Intrastat Reports Workspace

Use this workspace to enter the declarations that you regularly report to Intrastat.

The Intrastat Reports tab displays the total statistics for a company in a given period. The Intrastat Declarations sub-tab displays a line for every declaration. Each declaration contains a number of item entries, and the declaration is printed on a separate form for the tax authorities. There are two types of declaration, "Import" and "Export"; you can only create them if you specified them in the System Information workspace.

You can create declarations manually and/or automatically using the trade figures in the Sales Orders and Item Purchase modules. The Intrastat Declarations workspace shows which item entries have resulted in which declarations, and the Intrastat Items workspace shows which invoices or item purchase orders the item lines originate in. If you have one or both of these workspaces open at the same time, you can see that Maconomy updates all common information concurrently.

You can print official report forms for the report in this workspace by selecting Print This in the File menu. Similarly, you can create a file with the report by selecting Create File in the Action menu.