View Groups Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to set up groups of users and specify which views are available to the members of each group.

Some users use third-party products to access the Maconomy database, communicating with the database via the Maconomy ODBC driver. You can set up views, or collections of fields, that control the information that these users can access.

A view is a group of a number of fields in one of more joined relations in Maconomy's database. You use views to control the information that you make accessible to users who read information in Maconomy's database via third-party products. Each view contains the names of the relations and associated fields from which users can read information when using the view in question. This means that when you use a view, you can only retrieve information that pertains to the fields that are defined in the view.

Maconomy comes with one view per relation, where each view contains all of the fields in the relation. An individual user's membership in groups determines which views he or she can use, as described in the following.

When a user accesses the database using the Maconomy ODBC driver, the same access control tools that are normally used in Maconomy apply, that is, groups, users, and access levels.

When you create a user as a database user, you specify a name that the user must use to log in to the database using the ODBC driver. In addition to this, each database user has a password. You define the database user name and password in the Users workspace.

In this workspace, you specify the views that are available to the members of each group. The View Groups tab displays the name of a group, and the Views sub-tab displays the views that you have defined. For each view, you can specify whether members of the current group should have access to that view.

Note that you cannot change the settings in the fields in the Views sub-tab for the "Change Password" and "All Windows" groups.

As a database user, you are a member of the same groups as in Maconomy, that is, the groups listed in the User Dialog Groups sub-tab of the Users workspace. When you log in to the database, you thus gain access to use the views that are assigned to the groups of which you are a member.

The access control that determines which entries each user can see functions in the same way as elsewhere in Maconomy. This means that a database user can, for example, only view information about companies that are assigned to an access level to which the database user has access. Because a database user is directly associated with a "regular" user card in Maconomy, the database user has access to the same access levels as when using the Maconomy client.