Selection Criterion Specification Types Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to create the options that are to be available in the Type field in the Selection Criterion Specification workspace.

In the Selection Criterion Specification workspace you create sets of selection criteria, or queries, that you can use to locate records in the Maconomy database. Use the Selection Criterion Specification Types workspace to establish the specification types that are available for use.

The selection criterion specification type that you select on a selection criterion specification indicates the database relation to which the selection criterion specification in question should apply. For instance, if you create a selection criterion specification type in this workspace, specifying that it pertains to the NoteLine relation, selecting this type in the Selection Criterion Specification workspace means that the criteria on the specification in question apply to the contents of the fields in the relation NoteLine.

Note that in the current Maconomy version, you can only use selection criterion specifications that have types that you created in this workspace in connection with monitors. For more information about monitors, see the description of the Monitors workspace.

In addition to the selection criterion specification types that you can create manually in this workspace, Maconomy provides a number of predefined selection criterion specification types that you cannot change. These are described in the section about the Selection Criterion Specification workspace.