Selection Criterion Specification Types Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Selection Criterion Specification Types tab.

Selection Criterion Specification Type Header Island

Field Description
Name When creating a selection criterion specification type, you can specify a name for the new type here. Once the type has been created, the field is closed, and the name can no longer be changed.
Database Relation When creating a selection criterion specification type, you can specify the database relation to which the type should apply. For instance, if you create a selection criterion specification type in this workspace, specifying that it pertains to the relation “NoteLine,” selecting this type in the workspace Selection Criterion Specification means that the criteria on the specification in question apply to the contents of the fields in the relation “NoteLine.”

Once the type has been created, the field is closed, and the database relation can no longer be changed.

Definition Format This field shows whether selection criteria of the current selection criterion specification type should be defined by means of lines in the sub-tab or an imported SQL expression. On manually created selection criterion specification types, the value is always “SQL File.” On predefined types, the value is always “Selection Criterion Specification Lines.”

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.