
This section shows the Actions available in the Contact Companies workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Create Customer Select this action if you want to create a new contact company as customer. The customer will then automatically be created as a customer in the A/R module. As Maconomy transfers certain information from the standard customer of the system, you can only select this action if a standard customer has been specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

If you have entered a number in the field “New Customer No.,” the customer will be assigned this number. If this is not the case, the customer number will be taken from the number series Customer in the window Number Series provided that this has been created.

When a customer has been created as contact company, the file information of the customer and the contact company will be concomitant. This means that changes in the file information of the customer information card also will be transferred to the customer’s file information in the window Contact Company.

Attach Document to Contact Company This action allows you to attach a document to the contact company in the card part.
Create Note Use this action to create a note. Maconomy derives the note type for the note from the contact management setup. Maconomy uses the company number, matched to the user’s company number, to derive the right setup to use.

Bottom Tab

Field Description
Attach Document to Contact Person This action allows you to attach a document to the contact person in the card part.