Contact Companies Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain file information about contact companies.

You can enter potential customers as well as existing customers. You can also enter additional information about a contact company. You can use this information to limit the selection criteria of a campaign.

This workspace is integrated with the A/R module, enabling you to retrieve information about the name and address, and so on, from customer information that you entered in the A/R module.

You can also create a customer that is based a contact company and on a template customer that you specify in the System Information workspace in the Set-Up module. Changes that you make in the Contact Persons workspace cause Maconomy to update the information of a contact company and vice versa.

Each line in the Contact Persons sub-tab displays information about a contact person from the contact company. Add lines to identify additional contact people. The fields in this sub-tab correspond to the fields in the Contact Persons workspace; changing the information here updates the Contact Persons workspace appropriately

For more information about creating contact persons, and for information about the functionality of the individual fields in the Contact Persons sub-tab, see the description of the Contact Persons workspace.
Note: When you delete a customer who is assigned to a contact company, Maconomy also deletes that contact company, unless you installed an add-on that grants access to the Contact Companies workspace. In that case, you must manually delete the relevant contact company if appropriate.