Life Cycle Transitions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Life Cycle Transitions tab.

Definition Island

Field Description
Life Cycle Definition No. This field shows the number of the life cycle definition to which the current object is assigned. An object’s life cycle definition, including transitions, define the object’s workflow.
Object Instance Key This field shows the current object’s unique identity in the Maconomy database. In order to create workflows for objects of a certain type, instance keys must be activated in the workspace Database Relations for the database relation to which the object belongs.
Internal Relation Name This field shows the name of the database relation in which the current object is stored.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines If you mark this field and press Enter, the sub-tab will show the lifecycle transitions for the current life cycle definition. If the field is not marked, no lines are shown.
Show Active Only If you mark this field, the sub-tab only shows active lifecycle transitions for the current life cycle definition, and only if the field “Show Lines” above is marked.
Transition No. Here you can enter a Transition No. The sub-tab will only show the transition with this number. The table will only show the transition if the field “Shows lines” is marked.
Perspective 1-5 In these fields, you can enter a perspective name. If one or more perspective names are entered, the table will only show transitions that are assigned to the perspective(s) in question.