Security Logs Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Security Logs sub-tab.

Field Description
Date This is the date the action was recorded in the security log. The actions are sorted by date and time.
Time This is the time of day the action was recorded in the security log. The actions are sorted by date and time.
Control Type This is the type of action recorded. You can select among five types in the pop-up field in the tab. The actions are described below:
  • System Date Changed — This indicates that a user has backdated the computer’s system date and then worked in Maconomy. The change is recorded regardless of whether Maconomy was operating when the date was changed.
  • Unknown User — This indicates that a user entered an unknown user name at Maconomy start-up. An unknown user name is a name that has not been created in the workspace Users. Maconomy does not record the “Unknown User” name.
  • Wrong Password — This indicates that a user has not entered the correct password at Maconomy start-up. Passwords are assigned to user names in the workspace Change Password. Maconomy records the user name.
  • Password Reset — This indicates that a password has been reset in the workspace Reset Password. Maconomy records the name of the user whose password has been reset and the name of the user who reset the password.
  • Password Changed — This indicates that a password has been changed in the workspace Change Password. Maconomy records the name of the user whose password has been changed.
  • User Name Not Activated — This indicates that a user has attempted to log on using a user name whose validity period has not yet begun. The validity period of a user is specified in the workspace Users. Maconomy records the user name.
  • User Name Expired — This indicates that a user has attempted to log on using a user name whose validity period has expired. The validity period of a user is specified in the workspace Users. Maconomy records the user name.
  • User Name Blocked — This indicates that a user has attempted to log on using a user name whose access code has been blocked. Access codes are blocked and unblocked in the workspace Users. Maconomy records the user name.
Username This is the name of the user.
Description This is a description of the control type.