User Notifications Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the User Notifications tab.

Username Island

Field Description
Name This field shows the user name.
Employee No. This field shows the user’s employee number.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the employee’s company number.
Name This field shows the company name.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Effective Date Enter beginning and ending dates for the effective period. Maconomy uses these date fields to select which notifications are shown in the sub-tab of the workspace. Maconomy only shows notifications whose Effective From Date and Effective From Time are in the past or contain no values in the clients.
Notification Type Enter a notification type to restrict the display in the sub-tab to only notifications of the selected type.
Instance Key Enter the exact notification to be displayed in the sub-tab. Maconomy uses this criterion internally.
Include Closed Select this check box to indicate whether closed notifications are to be shown in the sub-tab.

User Type Island

Field Description
Type This field shows the user type.
Administrator This check box indicates whether the user is an administrator.
Template This check box indicates whether the user is a template.

Validity Island

Field Description
Period This field shows the beginning and ending dates for the user’s validity period.
Password Expiry Date This field shows the date on which the user’s password expires.
Password Blocked This check box indicates whether the user’s password is blocked.