Node Attributes Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to set up attributes for nodes in your reporting hierarchies.

The attributes provide extra information of any type about the nodes. Their use depends on the reports that use the reporting hierarchies. For example, a report might be set up to search each node for certain attributes and use the information that is provided by the attribute to perform certain actions.

Node attributes are lines that contain extra information about the node to which the lines are assigned. There is no specific functionality assigned to the attributes as such, which means that you can create as many attribute lines as you want for each node and enter any kind of information that you want to capture.

In the Node Attributes tab, you can browse through the nodes that you created in the individual reporting hierarchies and enter information about the currently selected node.

In the sub-tab of this workspace, you can create the attributes to be assigned to the node in the tab of this workspace.