Node Attributes Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Node Attributes tab.

Node Island

Field Description
Reporting Hierarchy No. This field shows the number of the current reporting hierarchy.
Node No. This field shows the number of the current node in the hierarchy shown in the field “Reporting Hierarchy No.” above.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the current node.
Level This field shows the level at which the current node is located. The node is placed one level below its parent node. If the node has no parent node, it is located at level one.
Type This field shows the type of hierarchy to which the current node belongs. For information about the functionality of reporting hierarchy types, please see the description of the field “Type” in the workspace Reporting Hierarchies.
Parent Node No. In this field, you can specify the number of another node which should be the parent node of the current node, thus hierarchically placing the current node beneath the parent node in the structure.

You cannot specify a node which results in a circular structure, and you cannot specify a leaf node to which a value has been assigned in the fields “<Key Value 1-3>.”

Sorting Key In this field, you can specify a number to manage the position of the current node in relation to the other nodes placed beneath the same parent node as the current node.

The order of the lines belonging to the same parent node applies to their order of appearance in reports where the nodes are itemized. For an example of this, see the description of the corresponding field in the sub-tab of the workspace Reporting Hierarchies.

Account No. This field shows the number of the account or dimension that the reporting node refers to. The title of this field depend on the type of the reporting hierarchies.