General Monitors Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the General Monitors tab.

General Monitor Island

Field Description
General Monitor No. This field shows the name of the current general monitor.
Name In this field, you can enter or change a short description of the current general monitor.
Internal Relation Name This field shows the name of a relation in the Maconomy database. A general monitor is limited to watching items in one relation only. Only relations for which object instance keys have been initialized can be selected in this field. For more information about instance keys, please see the description of the workspace “Database Relations.”
MWL Version These fields show the major and minor version numbers of the MWL script used for defining the current general monitor. If the content of the fields is “0 0,” the current workflow was not specified using MWL, but is a pre-Service Pack 5 workflow.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.