Event Templates Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Event Templates sub-tab.

Field Description
Event Template No. In this field, you can specify a number for the current event template. The number is used when referring to the current event template in the field “Condition No.” on other event templates.
Contact Mode In this field, you can specify the contact mode to be copied to events created from the current event template.
Event Type In this field, you can specify the event type to be copied to events created from the current event template.
Status Changing Event In this field, you can specify whether events created from the current template should be marked as status changing events in their respective event flows. If an open event already in a given flow is already marked as the status changing event, any secondary event created in that flow based on the current event template will not be marked as a status changing event.
Employee No. In this field, you can specify the employee number to be copied to events created from the current event template.
Item No. In this field, you can specify the item number to be copied to events created from the current event template.
Description In this field, you can specify the description to be copied to events created from the current event template.
Result Type In this field, you can specify the result type to be copied to events created from the current event template.

The result type is an option list created in the window Option Lists, and thus contains the options representing possible outcomes of the created events.

Planned Starting Date In this field, you can specify the planned starting date to be copied to events created from the current event template.
Planned Ending Date In this field, you can specify the planned ending date to be copied to events created from the current event template.
Delay In this field, you can specify the number of days which should pass from the creation of secondary events until the events created should be carried out. When creating secondary events from the current template, Maconomy will thus add the specified number of days to the ending date of the existing event, and transfer the calculated date to the field “Planned Starting Time” on the events created. If an existing event does not have an ending date, Maconomy adds the number of days to today’s date instead of the closing date, when calculating the planned starting date of the secondary event.

If you have both entered a date in this field and in the field “Planned Starting Date,” Maconomy picks the earlier date.

Condition No. In this field, you can specify the number of another event template in the current event plan. This number determines when to create secondary events from the current event template.

In the description below, the term “basis event” is used about an existing event which is assigned to a given campaign and for which no secondary events have been created yet.

When the action “Create Secondary Events” is selected for a campaign to which the current event plan is assigned, the current event template will cause the creation of secondary events for basis events on which:

  • The number of the event template on which the basis event was based matches the event template number in this field, and
  • The result specified in the field “Result” on the basis event in question matches the condition result specified in the field “Condition Result” for the current event template.

For a further description of the concepts of condition results and condition numbers, please see the description of the fields “Condition Result” and “Condition No.” in the table part of the window Event Plans.

In those cases where the above conditions are met, a secondary event is created. Maconomy copies the contact person and/or contact company from the basis event to each secondary event, while other information is copied from the current event template.

A similar process is carried out for one event at a time when selecting the action “Create Secondary Events” in the window Events.

For an example illustrating how Maconomy finds out whether a given event should cause secondary events, please see the description of the action “Create Secondary Events” in the window Campaigns.

It is possible to create several event templates with exactly the same condition template number and condition result. This can, for example, be necessary if a given outcome of an event should cause the creation of several new events for the same contact company or person.

Condition Result In this field, you can specify a result which should determine when to create secondary events from the current event template. The condition result must be an option in the option list specified in the field “Result Type” on the event template specified in the field “Condition No.” on the current line.

If you do not enter a result, the result of each event is ignored when Maconomy determines which events should cause secondary events based on the current template. This means that no matter what result including a “blank” result is specified on a given event, the event will cause the creation of secondary event, as long as the event itself was created from the event template specified as a condition in the field “Condition No.” on the current event template.

For a detailed description of Maconomy’s method of finding out which events cause the creation of secondary events, please see the field “Condition No.”

Blocked If you mark this field, the current event template is blocked, meaning that no events will be created from the template when the action “Create Secondary Events” is selected in the windows Campaigns and Events. However, you can unmark the field at any time, thus unblocking the event template.