Event Plans Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to create the event plans that support the planned course of events in campaigns, based on different scenarios.

In the Event Plans tab you specify the name of each event plan; you create different event templates in the Event Templates sub-tab.

An event plan describes the events to be created as a result of the outcome of a previous event. In an event plan, you can, for example, specify that if the first call to a customer results in the customer accepting the invitation to a meeting, Maconomy should automatically create an event with certain information, whereas no further events should be created if the customer declines.

An event plan should contain a number of templates for initial events and, if relevant, a number of templates for secondary events. When you initiate a campaign in the Campaigns workspace, Maconomy creates, for each contact company and person in the campaign, one event per initial event template in the event plan that you assigned to the campaign. The plan must contain at least one initial event template. Maconomy recognizes an initial event template by the fact that neither a condition result nor a condition template has been defined for the template.

Secondary Events

If the outcome of an event in a campaign should cause the creation of additional events (for instance, if a potential customer wants you to send more information as a result of a phone call), the event plan should also contain a number of secondary event templates. A secondary event template is an event template for which you have defined a condition for the creation of events based on the template in question. In those cases where an event meets the conditions for a given template in the event plan, Maconomy can create an event with the information in the template in question. You do this by using the Create Secondary Events action in the Campaigns or Events workspaces.

In the following description, the term "basis event" refers to an existing event that you assigned to a given campaign, and for which no secondary events have been created yet.

The condition consists of:
  • The number of the template on which a basis event must be based to cause the creation of secondary events based on the event template in question.
  • The result of the basis event—for instance, whether the contact person answered yes or no to a given question in a phone conversation.
When you create secondary events for a campaign, Maconomy checks each basis event to see whether the event plan that you assigned to the campaign contains one or several event templates on which:
  • The condition number matches the event template number on which the basis event was based.
  • The condition result matches the result that you defined in the Result field on the basis event in question.

When these conditions are met, Maconomy creates a secondary event. Maconomy copies the contact person and/or contact company from the basis event to each secondary event and copies the contact mode, event type, employee number, starting date, and other information from the event template that, in combination with the basis event, resulted in the secondary event.

Maconomy performs a corresponding process for one event at a time when you use the Create Secondary Events action in the Events workspace.
Note: Initial event templates can also cause Maconomy to create events when you use the Create Secondary Events action in the Campaigns workspace. This happens when you add initial event templates to the event plan after the last time that you used that action for a given campaign. In that case, Maconomy creates secondary events from basis events as described previously, while at the same time creating events for all of the contact companies and persons that you included in the campaign, based on the initial event templates.

You can create several event templates that have exactly the same conditions. For example, this can be necessary if a given outcome of an event should cause the creation of several events for the same contact company or person.