Access Levels Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Access Levels tab.

Level Island

Field Description
Name Here, you can enter a name of the current level in connection with its creation. Maconomy checks that the name has not already been used. It is not possible to change the name of already existing access level information.
Description Here, you can enter a description of the access level. The field is used for reference purposes only.
Access Level Type This field shows whether the current access level is a standard access level, an access list or a user specific access level.

Access levels can be created manually in this workspace (or through import programs), resulting in an access level of the type Standard.

However, access levels can also be created automatically as part of the creation of users. This is relevant if you want to grant your customers access to their own orders, for example, if you are running a Web shop on your Maconomy system and you have therefore set up an automated user creation which is run when a customer is created, automatically creating a user for the new customer based on a user type set up for this purpose. To ensure that the new customer can only see his/her own information, the user type can be set up to automatically create a branch in the access level tree, specific to the user representing the customer, and grant the user access to this branch. Access levels created using this functionality are of the type Access List or User Specific. For detailed information about the concepts of access lists and user specific access levels, please see the description of the islands “User Specific Access Level” and “Access List” in the section on the workspace User Types.

Access levels feature the same functionality in terms of access restriction, regardless of the type. The access type therefore merely indicates how the access level was created. However, access levels of the types Access List and User Specific cannot be created manually, and you cannot manually create any lines in the sub-tab for access lists.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.