Access Lists Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to review access sublevels and their immediate parent levels and to add and change access levels.

The functionality is similar to that of the Access Levels workspace. However, the Access Lists tab in this workspace displays an access level, and the Parent Levels sub-tab displays the parent access levels of the access level in the tab. The sub-tab only displays access levels that are one step up in the access level hierarchy. This means that the sub-tab does not display any parent levels that are above the parent levels of the access level displayed in the Access Lists tab.

You can add lines in the Parent Levels sub-tab to make the access level in the Access Lists tab a sub-level of further access levels. Similarly, you can create access levels in the tab.

The functionality of access levels in general is described in the introduction to the Access Levels workspace and in "Extended Access Control."

For auditing reasons, you should print out and file the access levels each time that you make changes in this workspace.