Users Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Users tab.

Username Island

Field Description
Name This field shows the name of the user. You can browse through all of the users in the system.
Employee No. This field shows the employee number assigned to the user.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. Enter the company number assigned to the user.
Name This field shows the company name that is associated with the company number.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show for Invalid User Select this check box to enable the display of existing notifications for users whose credentials are not valid. For example, if you browse to a user whose validity period has ended, and this field is selected, Maconomy will still show any existing notifications.

User Type Island

Field Description
Type This field shows the user type.
Administrator Select this check box to indicate that the user is an administrator user.
Template This check box is selected if the user is a template user.

Validity Island

Field Description
Period Enter beginning and ending dates for the user validity period.
Password Expiry Date Enter the date on which the user’s password expires.
Password Blocked Select this check box to indicate that the user’s password is blocked.