Email Alerts Templates Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Email Alerts Templates tab.

Template Island

Field Description
Name Enter a name for the template. You cannot change this name after you create the template.
Description Enter a description of the purpose for the template, for example, “Company 1 employees missing time sheet submission.”

Email Details Island

Field Description
Email Subject Enter text to be used as the subject line of every email, for example, “Actions Due in Maconomy.”

Maconomy automatically substitutes each employee’s name for the token <%employeename%>.

Email Subject, Supervisor Enter text to be used as the subject line of every email to the employee’s supervisor, for example, “Your employee <%employeename%> Due Actions in Maconomy.”

Maconomy automatically substitutes the employee’s name for the token <%employeename%>.

Email Opening Paragraph Enter text to be used as the first paragraph of every email to the employee, for example, “Hello <%employeename%>. Please attend to the following due actions:” This text can include newlines.

Maconomy automatically substitutes the employee’s name for the token <%employeename%>.

Email Opening Paragraph, Supervisor Enter text to be used as the first paragraph of every email to the employee’s supervisor, for example, “Employee <%employeename%> is asked to attend to the following due actions:” This text can include newlines.

Maconomy automatically substitutes the employee’s name for the token <%employeename%>.

Email Closing Paragraph Enter text to be used for the last part of the email body after the list of notifications, for example, “Thank you.” This text can include newlines.

Maconomy automatically substitutes the employee’s name for the token <%employeename%>.

Reply-to Name Enter the name to appear next to the reply-to address in the email.
Reply-to Email Address Enter the email address to appear as the reply-to address in the email.
Portal Login URL Enter the HTTP URL to the portal login page if a portal todo or alert is included among the notifications that you selected in the sub-tab of the workspace. This link is then included appropriately in the emails list of notifications.
Workspace Client Link Select a value from the drop-down field to determine whether to include links to the workspace client in your email template.
iAccess Link

Select a value from the drop-down field to determine whether to add an iAccess link in your email template.

If you do not specify a URL in the URL for iAccess system parameter, an error message displays if you choose to include an iAccess link in an email template.

Employee Selection Island

Field Description
Employee No. In the first box, enter the first number in the range of employee numbers for employees who are to receive email alerts.

In the second box, enter the ending number in the range of employee numbers for the employees who are to receive email alerts.

The administrator might select a particular employee.

Company No. In the first box, enter the first number in the range of company numbers for employees who are to receive email alerts.

In the second box, enter the ending number in the range of company numbers for the employees who are to receive email alerts.

The administrator might select a particular company and then adjust the email paragraphs to that company’s language.