Life Cycles Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Life Cycles tab.

Definition Island

Field Description
Life Cycle Definition No. This field shows the number of the life cycle definition to which the current object is assigned. An object’s life cycle definition, including transitions, define the object’s workflow.
Object Instance Key This field shows the current object’s unique identity in the Maconomy database. In order to create workflows for objects of a certain type, instance keys must be activated in the workspace Database Relations for the database relation to which the object belongs. This is done automatically when installing an MWL workflow.
Internal Relation Name This field shows the name of the database relation in which the current object is stored.
Object Synchronization If this field is marked, the workflow is active and is synchronized with the stages of the object. Furthermore, you cannot delete the current life cycle. The fact that you must unmark this field to delete a life cycle is an extra precaution against deleting life cycles. Deleting a life cycle can create an imbalance in the database if the database keeps trying to synchronize an object which does not exist.

If the field is unmarked, the object can freely be changed and moved through stages without regarding the workflow. It should only be unmarked if you want to delete a workflow or if you need to resolve a deadlock situation.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.