References Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the References sub-tab.

Field Description
Field Type Select a field type from the drop-down list.

Available options are:

  • Argument 1-5 - Select this field type to specify information to display when the notification is listed in the To-Do menu of the Workspace Client.
  • Waypoints 1-4 - Select this field type to specify a pane or a step in the navigation path that a notification follows through the various single dialogs and workspaces of the Workspace Client. You can specify up to four waypoints.

    For each waypoint, use Keys 1-4 to further restrict the records in that pane so that the approver is led to the correct record.

  • Target Keys 1-4 - Select this field type to specify the final pane or step in the navigation path of a notification.

    Use Keys 1-4 to further restrict the records in that pane so that the approver is led to the correct record.

Reference Relation 1-5 Use these optional fields to specify rules for instances when certain fields you want to display or use for an argument, waypoint, or target are not available directly in the relation specified in the Target Internal Relation Name field.
Target Internal Relation Name After you fill out Field Type and the Reference Relation 1-5 fields, the Workspace Client automatically populates this field with the applicable internal name of a Maconomy database relation.

This relation limits the fields available for you to specify in the Target Internal Field Name field.

Target Internal Field Name Use this field to specify a field (from the relation specified in the Target Internal Relation Name field) from which Maconomy derives a value that it then transfers to/displays on the notification.