Change Password Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Change Password tab.

Password Island

Field Description
Username This is the name of the user whose password is being changed. To retrieve user names, use the search functions in the Find menu.
Old Password In this field, you enter the current password. If the current user does not have a password, leave the field blank.

If the user is new in the system, and therefore has not been assigned an access code, leave this field blank. However, if the field “Access Code Required” has been marked in the workspace System Information, new users are always assigned an access code when created.

For passwords, Maconomy reads upper and lower cases as different characters, that is, SMITH is not the same as Smith.

New Password In this field, you enter the new password. You are asked to enter it twice to verify that the text is entered correctly. Maconomy alerts you, if you re-enter the password differently in the field “Confirm New Password” below.

If passwords are required by Maconomy, you must enter an access code which complies with the rules set up for passwords in the workspace Access Information. You can only use characters with an ASCII value of less than or equal to 126.

Confirm new Password In this field, you must repeat the new password to verify that the text is entered correctly. Maconomy alerts you if the passwords entered in the field “New Password” and in this field are not identical.