Notification Types Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Notification Types tab.

Notification Type Island

Field Description
Notification Type If you are creating a notification type, you can enter a name in this field. The type name cannot be changed.
Name In this field, you can enter or change a description of the current notification type.
Internal Relation Name This field displays the internal name of a Maconomy database relation. The relation must correspond to the internal relation name to which it is linked.
Synchronous Notification Select this check box to enable synchronous calculation of approval notifications in Maconomy.

Note that there are additional setup steps required to enable this functionality. For more information, refer to the Deltek Maconomy System Admin Guide.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the User island.

Category Island

Field Description
Notification Category In this pop-up field, you can select a notification category defined in the Notification Categories workspace.

For more information, please see the description of the Notification Categories workspace.

Name This field shows the external name assigned to notifications of the category selected in the Notification Category field.
Life Cycle Definition No. This field shows the number of the life cycle definition associated with the current notification type.
General Monitor No. This field shows the number of the general monitor associated with the current notification type.
Duplicate management In this pop-up field, you can see how Maconomy handles a situation in which a monitor generates two or more identical notifications of the current type. If this situation arises, four options are available for each notification type:
  • Allow Duplicates — With this option, Maconomy permits the same notification to be generated and displayed multiple times.
  • Keep First — With this option, Maconomy keeps the first notification generated and deletes any subsequent, identical notifications.
  • Keep Last — With this option, Maconomy keeps the last notification generated and deletes any previous, identical notifications.
  • Error when Encountering Duplicate — With this option, Maconomy will report an error if a notification is generated which is identical to previous notifications.
Notifications can be closed Select the checkbox to specify if the notification can be closed by default.

A notification can only be closed, if the notification type allows this. Maconomy uses this value as the default, when you create a new notification type.

Priority Type In this field, you can select an option list. The option list should contain priority values. For instance, a notification category called “Alert” could refer to an option list with three values: “Green,” “Amber,” and “Red.” This way, an M-Script procedure can issue alerts of varying degrees of severity, for example, depending on the degree by which a job budget is exceeded.

Please note that a default priority type may have been defined for the notification category in question in the workspace Notification Categories (or, for pre-Service Pack 5 workflows, in the workspace Popup Fields).

Standard Priority In this field, you can enter the value of an option in the option list specified in the field “Priority Type” above. This value will be used as priority value when the notification of this type is raised, unless an M-Script procedure specifies otherwise.

Show as Island

In the fields in this island, you can specify how the notifications using the current notification type should be displayed in the Portal. You can only complete one of the fields below.

Field Description
Presentation Report In this field, you specify the ID of a report written in MRL (“Maconomy Reporting Language”). By means of this report, you can specify which information you want to display in the notification, based on the relation supplied by the monitor which generated the notification.

For instance, if the monitor has raised a notification to a supervisor because some time sheets for employees under his supervision have not been submitted, then a number of fields in the relation TimeSheets are available for display. The MRL report specified in this field selects the fields that should be displayed in the notification, for example, employee name, employee number, and time sheet week number. For more information, please refer to the manuals “MRL Language Reference” and “Printout Design Using MPL.”

Presentation Component In this field, you specify the ID of a Portal component. If an MRL report is not sufficient for displaying the notification, for example if you need to include an action button, you can write a Portal component to contain the notification, and specify it in this field.
Presentation Dialog In this field you can select a Java Client workspace that the notification should link to. This will make the notification available from the Java Client. It is only possible to link a notification type to a dialog that shows the relation in the field “Internal Relation Name” in the tab.

Link, Workspace Client Island

Field Description
Workspace This field is added in 2.5.1, but will be utilized in a future release.

Notification View, Workspace Client Island

Field Description
Description Template This field is added in 2.5.1, but will be utilized in a future release.

Waypoints, Workspace Client Island

Field Description
Waypoints 1-4 These fields are added in 2.5.1, but will be utilized in a future release.

For each waypoint, specify the following:

  • Pane - Copy to come.
  • Title - Copy to come.
  • Fields 1-4 - Copy to come.
Field Description
Target This field is added in 2.5.1, but will be utilized in a future release.

Specify the following:

  • Pane - Copy to come.
  • Title - Copy to come.
  • Fields 1-4 - Copy to come.