Monitors Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Monitors tab.

Monitor Island

Field Description
Monitor No. This field shows the name of the current monitor.
Name In this field, you can enter or change a short description of the current monitor.
Owner In this field, you can enter the name of a user in Maconomy. By default, your own user name is entered in the field, but you can change it. However, the specified user must have been given access to approve monitors in the workspace Actions. When activated, the monitor will run with this user as “owner,” that is, with the access rights of the user in question. This means that when monitoring the database as specified in the island Condition, the access rights of the user in this field are used. Furthermore, the actions specified in MWL are carried out with respect to the access rights of the user specified in this field. See also the description of the field “Action Run By, Procedure.”

Please note that this field can only be completed by a user who has been given access to approve monitors in the workspace Actions.

Approved This field shows if the current monitor has been approved using the action “Approve” in this workspace.

Scheduling Island

The fields in this island show when and how often the current monitor should evaluate if the conditions shown in the island Condition are fulfilled.

For instance, using an M-Script you can specify that the database should be checked every Tuesday at noon. If Tuesday is a holiday, the check should be performed Wednesday noon.

Field Description
Scheduled Execution, Package This field shows if an M-Script package containing the procedure to calculate the next execution of the monitor has been specified.
Next Monitoring These two fields show the date and time of the next time Maconomy should perform a monitoring as shown in the island Condition. If these fields are blank, the current monitor is not activated.

The M-Script procedure specified above should update this field automatically.

Enabled This field shows if the current monitor has been enabled using the action “Enable” in this workspace. A monitor can be disabled by using the action “Disable” in this workspace.

Notification Island

Field Description
Notification Type In this field, you can specify the name of a notification type. If you complete this field, a notification of the specified type (for example, a To Do or an Alert) is raised for each item matched by the selection criteria specified for the current monitor.

For instance, if the Maconomy database is monitored for time sheets which are two days overdue, a notification line will be created for each such time sheet. See also the field “Notification Recipient” below.

Notification types are created in the workspace Notification Types.

Notification Recipient This field shows if a procedure has been specified which can select the recipient of the notifications raised when the database is monitored as described in the island Condition, and the field “Notification Type” above is completed.

User Island

See the Getting Started topic for a description of the fields in the island User.

Condition Island

The fields in this island show which entry or entries in the database are monitored by the current monitor.

For instance, it may have been specified that only entries in the JobHeader relation should be monitored, and only jobs that are part of a selection criterion specification which selects fixed-price jobs managed by a specific employee. An M-Script procedure can then specify that an action should be triggered if any of the budgets of those jobs are exceeded.

Field Description
Internal Relation Name This field shows the name of a relation in the Maconomy database. The monitor is limited to watching items in one relation only, and object instance keys must have been initialized for the relation in question. For more information about instance keys, please see the description of the workspace “Database Relations.”
Life Cycle Definition No. This field shows the number of a life cycle definition. Together with the field “Life Cycle Stage No.” below, the field shows that only those entries which are in a certain life cycle stage are selected for monitoring. This could, for example, be time sheets which have been submitted, but not approved. Note that the life cycle definition constitutes the scope, or namespace, of the monitor. If a monitor has not yet been assigned to a life cycle, the monitor must be assigned to a general monitor in the field “General Monitor No.” below.
Life Cycle Stage No. This field shows the number of a life cycle stage. The stage must be defined in the life cycle definition shown in the field above. For more information, see the description of the field “Life Cycle Definition No.” above.
General Monitor No. This field shows the number of a general monitor, if the monitor is not yet part of a life cycle. The general monitor acts as a name space which groups a set of monitors and notification types. A monitor must be assigned to either a life cycle definition or a general monitor. For more information, please see the description of the workspace General Monitors.
Target Group, Procedure If this field is marked, an M-Script has been specified in MWL to select a group of entries for monitoring. This could, for example, be jobs with a certain group of customers.

Action Island

Field Description
Action, Procedure This field shows if an Action procedure has been specified. This procedure should contain instructions on which actions should be performed if the monitoring as defined in the island Condition returns true.

For instance, the M-Script procedure could be used to send a notification to the supervisor of users who have failed to submit their time sheets on time.

Action Run by, Procedure This field shows if an Action Run By procedure has been specified. This procedure should contain instructions on which user should be specified as responsible for the actions performed by the procedure specified as Action procedure.

For instance, if the M-Script Action procedure automatically approves a purchase order, the procedure in this field should be used for returning the user who approves the purchase order. If this is not done, then the owner of the current monitor (as specified in the island Monitor) will be assigned as the user responsible for approving the purchase order. It would usually be more relevant to specify another user, for example, the purchase responsible for the company which is responsible for the purchase order, on the approval.

On Startup, Procedure This field shows if an On Startup procedure has been specified. This procedure should contain instructions on which actions should be performed before the Action procedure, if the monitoring as defined in the island Condition returns true.

The action is performed with respect to the access rights assigned to the user specified in the field “Owner” in the island Monitor.

On Close, Procedure This field shows if an On Close procedure has been specified. This procedure should contain instructions on which actions should be performed after the Action procedure, if the monitoring as defined in the island Condition returns true.

The action is performed limited by the access rights assigned to the user specified in the field “Owner” in the island Monitor.

For example, you could use this procedure to send an e-mail to a supervisor, specifying the number of time sheets which have not been submitted on time by employees for which he is supervisor.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In this field, you can specify the name of an access level. You only have access to the current monitor if you have been assigned to the same or a higher level in the workspace User Access Levels. This means that you can only specify monitors to which you have access. Furthermore, a given user can only see the monitor to which he or she has access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to monitors may depend on other factors. For more information about this, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System.”

If no access level is specified, this field has no influence on user access to the current monitor.

This field also shows a description of the specified access level.