Group Notification Types Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Group Notification Types sub-tab.

Field Description
Group Name This field shows the group name for those members who will be able to receive notifications of the Notification Type that the tab shows.
Role Number This field shows the number of the role that was assigned to this group. For all roles that are created as a result of creating a group, the role number corresponds to that group name. This number might vary from the group name if the role was assigned to the group in an upgrade from a previous version of Maconomy.
Role Name This field shows the Portal role name that was automatically created and assigned to the group when the group was created.
Standard Component This field shows the ID of the standard component for the role that was assigned to this group. The standard component is displayed in the Portal immediately after login, unless another standard component was specified for the user who logged in. In that case, that user-specific standard component is displayed. If a particular user has several assigned roles, Maconomy chooses the standard component to show randomly from those roles.