Approval Hierarchy Selection Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approval Hierarchy Selection Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
From Company No. Select a Company No. as a starting number for lines to include when an approval object is submitted.
To Company No. Enter an interval of companies. If you use these fields, Maconomy will only look at lines for the actual company when an approval object is submitted.
Selection Criterion Specification No. Specify a selection criterion specification created in the Selection Criterion Specification workspace. When you submit transactions with allocation lines, Maconomy searches the approval hierarchy selection lines for the current transaction to find a line containing a selection criterion specification for that transaction. Thus, the allocation lines of the transactions are to be approved through the approval hierarchy specified on the current line.

If it matches more than one of the selection criterion specifications in the sub-tab, Maconomy uses the hierarchy specified for the upper selection criterion specifications. If the approval hierarchy selection contains several selection criterion specifications, place the most specific selection criterion specifications in the upper part of the table followed by selection criterion specifications with broader criteria.

This narrows the selection criterion specifications until it reaches a selection criterion specification that it fulfills. Maconomy uses the first approval hierarchy selection line that matches the current approval object. It is very important to have the correct order of lines. You can easily change the order of lines using the Move Approval Hierarchy Selection Line Up / Down action.

Approval Hierarchy No.

Enter the number of the approval hierarchy to use for approval of transactions matching the selection criterion specification specified on the current line.

However, if the transaction matches several selection criterion specifications in the sub-tab, Maconomy uses the hierarchy specified for the upper selection criterion specification.

Approval Hierarchy Description This field shows a description of the approval hierarchy from the Approval Hierarchy No. field above.