Approval Hierarchy Selection Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to review, by employee, all outstanding approvals that are needed for objects for approval.

For example, you might want to have a more restrictive approach to purchase order approvals, with more or higher-level approvers, in one office than you do in another. Or you might want to use more restrictive approvals for higher-value purchase orders.

You can set up a separate set of rules for purchase orders, expense sheets, vendor invoices, and other types of entries.

In the Approval Hierarchy Selection workspace, you can specify a set of rules that select the approval hierarchy to be used in each individual case. For example, this might be useful if the approval procedure varies between companies in a multi-company model. There might be a need for more restrictive approvals in one company than in another, or some companies might have different approval functions to be supported by the approval hierarchies.

Another example could be that one organization wants expense sheets or vendor invoice allocation lines to be approved by several persons depending on the size of the amount, whereas another organization always wants the manager of the company to approve expense sheets or vendor invoices, regardless of the amount size.

You define the set of rules using a selection criterion specification and an approval hierarchy number. When an object for approval matches the selection criterion specification on a line, it must be approved through the approval hierarchy specified on the current line.

You can define a specific set of hierarchy selection rules to be applied to each type of object for approval. For each of these hierarchy selection types, if you create one or more lines in the Approval Hierarchy Selection Lines sub-tab, all purchase orders, expense sheets, vendor invoices, or other types of objects for approval must be approved through an approval hierarchy, and therefore you can only submit an object for approval if Maconomy finds a selection criterion specification that includes the current object in the Approval Hierarchy Selection Lines sub-tab.

If you do not define any hierarchy selection lines, the type of transaction in question must go through another approval procedure as described in "Other Approval Procedures" in "Introduction to Approval Hierarchies."