Windows Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Windows sub-tab.

Field Description
Window Name In this field, you enter the name of the workspace to which the group should have access. The available workspace names can be found and inserted by using the action “Find Window” in the Find-menu. Please note that the Find-workspace only displays workspaces of the type specified in the field “Window Type.”

You can also specify the internal name of the relevant workspace in the field “Internal Window Name.” This can be an advantage, as it is possible for several workspaces in Maconomy to have the same external name, but the internal name of each workspace must be unique. If you specify a name in this field and leave the field “Internal Window Name” blank, Maconomy automatically completes the field “Internal Window Name.” However, if several workspaces have the specified external name, Maconomy displays an error message. If you specify an internal name, Maconomy automatically completes this field with the external name of the workspace in question.

Moreover, you should note that if you want all available workspaces to be added in the sub-tab, you can use the action “Create lines for all workspaces,”

If you want to give the group access to all workspaces, you can leave this field blank and select the pop-up type “Unspecified” in the field “Window Type.” On such a line, you can then specify the rights which the users of the group should have in all workspaces in the system (a combination of the rights “Read,” “Create,” “Change,” and “Delete”). Having done this, however, you can still add lines for workspaces for which specific access rights should be given to the users of the group. These lines will represent exceptions to the general rights on the line with the value “Unspecified.” An example could be that all users of the groups are given access to read all workspaces, and that they are only given access to create, change and delete entries in certain other workspaces.

Window Type This field shows the workspace type that applies to the current line. There are six types of workspaces, described below:
  • Dialog workspace— Windows of this type contain a tab and very often a sub-tab. Examples of such workspaces are the workspaces Time Sheets, Sales Orders, and Vendor Information Card.
  • Parameter workspace— Windows in which you can specify parameters, for example a range of companies or order numbers. When the user accepts the specified parameters, Maconomy will carry out a given action. Examples of such workspaces are the workspaces Item Purchase Selection, Interest Charge Selection, and all print workspaces.
  • Search workspaces— The workspace or search pane displayed when you select “Find” in Maconomy, for example, “Find Activity.”
  • Report — The reports/report templates available under the menu Analyzer in the Windows client and the Reports menu in the Java™ client, respectively.
  • Selection — Windows available in the menus Export, Programs, Graphics, and Reports in the menu.
  • Unspecified — A token specifying all workspaces available in the system.
Internal Window Name In this field, you enter the internal name of the workspace to which the group should have access. The functionality of the field is similar to that of the field “Window Name” above.
Read Select this check box to enable read-only access to the window.

Administrators can change read access for any window.

If you have limited administrator rights and have read access to the window, you can also enable or disable this, as long as it does not change your total access.

Create Select this check box to enable create access to a window group.

Administrators can change create access for any window.

If you have limited administrator rights and have create access to the window, you can also enable or disable this, as long as it does not change your total access.

Update Select this check box to enable update access to a window group.

In the Actions workspace, you can limit user access to the individual actions in the Action menus in various workspaces.

Administrators can change update access for any window.

If you have limited administrator rights and have update access to the window, you can also enable or disable this, as long as it does not change your total access.

Delete Select this check box to enable delete access to a window group.

If you have limited administrator rights and have delete access to the window, you can also enable or disable this, as long as it does not change your total access.

Access from Specify whether the access rights granted on the current line should apply when accessing the workspace in question through the Maconomy client program, through MScript functionality, or both.

If you have limited administrator rights, you can modify this field, as long as the change does not change you own access, and you have both API and Client access to the window.