Approvals Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to approve, line by line, purchase orders, expense sheets, vendor invoices, and other entries.

You can approve, release, or reject a line. If you reject a line, the entire entry is rejected. If you release a line, it moves on to the next person in the approval hierarchy. An entry is not fully approved until all lines are approved, or until at least one line has been approved, and the remaining lines have been released.

When someone submits an object for approval, Maconomy creates an approval line for each line in the relevant approval hierarchy that defines a selection criterion specification that the current object for approval matches. In this way, an approval line corresponds to a person (or personal function) who must make a decision about the current object for approval.

You can reject, release, or approve an approval line.

If you reject an approval line for an object for approval, the entire object is rejected, regardless of whether other employees have approved other approval lines for the same object. If you release a line the object for approval is neither approved nor rejected; it is sent on to another approver in the hierarchy. As a result, Maconomy sees the line is as approved only if another employee approved any other approval lines that are related to the same object for approval. Among other things, rejecting an object means that it cannot be printed or assigned to a vendor, and that it is not included in the financial commitment accounts. The consequences of rejecting an object can cause that object to be unpostable.

An object for approval is not fully approved until all lines have been approved, or until at least one line has been approved, and the remaining lines have been released. At least one person must always either approve or reject the object for approval, which means that if all other approval lines for an object have been released, the last line must be approved or rejected.

For this workspace, the Approval Groups workspace, and the Approval Objects workspace, you can specify a range of approval lines; in the Approval Groups and the Approval Objects workspaces, the sub-tabs display the approval lines that match the specified selection criterion specification.

In the sub-tab, you can then select lines for rejection, release, or approval. After selecting all of the lines in the sub-tab, you use the Carry Out Approval action and Maconomy changes the approval status of those lines.

You can see approval lines to be approved by employees other than you. However, you cannot approve, release, or reject these lines as this action is only to be carried out by the employee responsible for the approval of the current line (or a substitute, if any). A listing of the approval lines to be approved by other employees does, however, offer you the possibility of seeing how far an object for approval is in the approval procedure.

See "Introduction to Approval Hierarchies" for further information about creation of approval lines and approval hierarchies.