Contents of the Administrative Messages Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Administrative Messages screen.

Administrative Messages

Use this table window to establish a set of message text that will be available for selection when configuring administrative messages in Costpoint.

Click to add a new entry to the table window.

Field Description
Message Text Enter the message text. This field allows up to 2,000 characters.
You can add basic formatting to the message text by specifying the properties (bold and/or color) and the message text and enclosing them in curly brackets. For example:
  • {bold:message text} will be shown as bold message text.
  • {red:message text} will be shown as red message text.
  • {red,bold:message text} will be shown in bold red message text.
Note: You can use any color supported by HTML. For more information, see the list of supported color names.
Active Select this check box to mark this message as active. Only active messages will display for the date range you specify in the Active From Date and Active To Date fields.
Company Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the company to which this message applies. This message will display for users that belong to this company for the date range you specify in the Active From Date and Active To Date fields.
Active From Date Enter, or click calendar.gif to select, the start date and time this message is active.
Active To Date Enter, or click calendar.gif to select, the end date and time this message is active.


Subtask Description
Assigned Users/User Groups Click this link to open the Assigned Users/User Groups subtask and optionally link specific users and/or user groups to one or more administrative messages in the primary table window.
Assigned Applications Click this link to open the Assigned Applications subtask and optionally link specific applications to one or more administrative messages in the primary table window.