Manage Revenue Information

Use this screen to set up revenue calculation for a project.

You can control the formula used to compute revenue and alter the default revenue posting method (either to Owning Organization or Performing Organization). You selected the default revenue posting method on the Revenue tab of the Configure Project Settings screen.

You can also use this screen to identify the multipliers to be used on the Compute Billing Value of Cost Incurred screen. On this screen's table window, you can enter revenue adjustments by fiscal year/period/subperiod. You cannot enter data on this screen if the Billable Project checkbox on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen is not selected.

If you select any hours-based revenue formulas in the Revenue Formula drop-down list, you must also initialize the Project Labor Categories (PLCs) and billing rates for the project. You can set up PLCs and billing rates at any level of the project.

Note: If labor rates are different for each task of the project, you must enter these labor rates at the task level.

You must complete the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen at the charging level of the project because this screen determines the order in which billing rates are found.

Note: If you modify the revenue formula of a project, Costpoint resets all revenue amounts in the PROJ_BURD_SUM, PROJ_SUM and LAB_HS tables back to zero for the current fiscal year for all projects at or below the revenue level. This ensures that the YTD revenue amounts are correct with the new revenue formula, when revenue is recomputed.

Complete this screen during project setup for all projects for which the Billable Project checkbox is selected on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen. Before completing this screen, you must identify the revenue formulas that you would like to use by selecting each revenue formula on the Revenue Formulas subtask of the Configure Project Settings screen. Only formulas that have been selected in this subtask are available for selection on this screen. Maintain this screen only when the formula or its attributes change, when a revenue adjustment is required, or when the formula is one of the Fixed Amount formulas. 

Warning: After you establish a revenue formula for a project, modifying the formula on this screen may require additional steps to ensure proper calculations. Contact Costpoint General Support before modifying any revenue formulas.
Note: Deleting records on this screen will have a cascade delete effect on any related records in the alternate project revenue profile and on the revenue calculation value history for the fiscal year specified.

For more information about revenue setup, see the "Revenue Setup/Computation" topic.

This screen is also available as a subtask on the Manage Project User Flow (Revenue Details).

Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.