How Can I Change the Owning Org?

The steps that are required to process a change in owning organization depend on the level of processing that has occurred while the current  owning organization has been in place.  

If the owning organization has been entered and the record has been saved but no transactions have been posted, you can change the owning organization and no additional processing is required. However, if transactions have been posted, revenue has been computed, or revenue has been posted, additional processing is required. Costpoint requires that the Org History subtask be used to assist in this process. See the documentation for this subtask for more information on the process.

When an owning organization is changed, a problem is created in the year-to-date revenue balance in the General Ledger. Costpoint posts revenue to the General Ledger at the level of the project where the revenue formula has been placed, to the account that has the revenue function code in the project account group and to the owning organization entered on this screen. Costpoint summarizes the amount that has been posted to the combination of project/owning organization/account and compares it to the amount of year-to-date revenue computed in the Project Summary table. The Post Revenue process posts the difference between the two amounts. If the owning organization is changed, Costpoint compares the new owning organization, project, and account to the Project Summary table and the difference is the total year-to-date revenue. If this amount is posted, revenue is overstated.

This is also an issue when posting revenue to performing organizations because any over-ceiling amounts or revenue adjustment amounts are charged to the owning organization of the project.

If you enter a new owning organization in the Owning Org field and processing has occurred, the application forces you on the Org History subtask. The following is a brief synopsis of what is required, but you can use the screen documentation for the Org History subtask for more detailed information.  

  • Enter the new owning organization in the New Owning Organization field. The Previous Owning Organization field automatically displays.
  • Enter the new fiscal year, period, and subperiod in the Effective Fiscal Year,  Effective Period, and Effective Subperiod fields.  
  • Select Y or N in the Retroactive field. If you select Y, Costpoint calculates a journal entry that restates revenue to the new organization on a year-to-date basis. If you select N, Costpoint calculates a journal entry that restates revenue from the fiscal year, period, and subperiod entered in the Effective Fiscal Year, Effective Period, and Effective Subperiod fields.
  • Use the Manage Process Organizational Changes screen to create the journal entries needed for this change in organization. After the journal entries have been created, post them in the Post Journal Entries screen. Costpoint determines which journal entries are needed. One journal entry for revenue and one for accounts receivable are possible. After the journal entries that have been created are posted, the flags in the Journal Entry Processed and A/R History Processed fields are set to Y. The journal entry number used in the posting displays in the Journal Entry Number field.