Manage Prior Year Cobra Costs

Use this screen to enter or review prior year incurred costs.

You must initialize this screen for all Cobra projects for which you want to perform inception-to-date calculations if you are initializing the system in the middle of a project. You can use the Update Prior Year History screen to update this screen at the beginning of a new fiscal year as long as you have executed the Compute Cobra Burden Cost process for all subperiods of the fiscal year you want to close.

Warning: Do not use the Update Prior Year History screen for a fiscal year that does not exist in the CB_SUM table. The process will overwrite all the data in this screen for that fiscal year. If you have manually input data in this screen for a fiscal year and you use the Update Prior Year History screen, all the data that was manually input in this screen will be erased.

You must initialize the data in this screen for all Cobra projects for which you want to perform inception-to-date calculations before you transfer actual costs to Cobra.

Note: For Costpoint 8.2, this application is not available if you are not licensed for Cobra Integration or the configuration has not been enabled. For more information in setting up the integration, see Cobra Integration in Costpoint 8.2.